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Find out what programs and grants are available to link education and training with your company's needs.
Hear from employers across the state who have partnered with us to grow their workforce and strengthen their business.
Find out how your previous life and learning experiences could already be worth college credit.
Financial Aid
West Virginia offers an array of financial aid options that can help you pay for college. Find out what might work for you.
Student Stories
Hear from students across the state who have made the commitment to further their education at one of our colleges.
Transforming the Mountain State's Workforce One Student at a Time
A community and technical college education costs less than a four-year degree and students live at home.
High Quality & Personal
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Made for West Virginia
As our state's economy has evolved, so have our workforce needs. Community colleges are nimble and responsive to those changes.
Power to Launch a Workforce
We work every day to produce a world-class workforce by being the primary provider of adult workforce and technical training.